Scouting is a fun way for children to explore, discover, and grow. Our program was created for kids, by kids, and offers multiple levels to serve a variety of age groups, with a goal of instilling confidence, skills and knowledge in young people that will prepare them for life.
As with traditional scouting programs, outdoor adventures are at the heart of Nature’s Dragons activities. Camping, geocaching, hiking, hands-on nature experiences, fishing, swimming, and more are part of the educational experiences our Clutches offer their scouts. Sustainability and respect for nature are core aspects of our program.
Experience close encounters with wildlife in their natural habitats. Scouting trips include visits to the zoo, aquarium and safari parks. The purpose of these adventures is to discover new interests, develop life skills, and cultivate respect for the world around us.
We also kept it simple with our uniforms. Nature’s Dragons uniforms consist of jeans and a black shirt of any style. Options for showing off badges and awards include a traditional sash or vest, or a messenger bag. We don’t want the cost of something as meaningful as a uniform to keep anyone from being able to participate.